About Shannon Scott

Shannon Scott, aka, "The Bard of Bonaventure," or "The Storyist," is a 30 year resident of Savannah, Georgia and easily Savannah's best known storyteller at this point in his career. Scott has worked for national TV shows like, "Scariest Places On Earth," "Ghost Hunters," and produced his own documentary, "America's Most Haunted City" about Savannah, Georgia. As a vehicle, Shannon utilizes the story of cemeteries like Bonaventure, to commentate on symbolic language, art, burial traditions, secret societies, politics, romance, ritual traditions of many cultures and really the greater connections to the history of the world and present-day life.

Kelsey McGee Miracle Dog Update!


KELSEY THE MIRACLE DOG! (as the song goes, “With A Little Help From My Friends”). That’s the nickname I gave to her when her vibration told me she would heal. It was 14 months ago, many of the white coat wearers said she’d be a gone in 3 months or less. Others cited she’d never regain feeling or walk again. I knew they were wrong in my being but also made a kind of peace with the odds. Yet Kelsey would prove them wrong at each step, never showing anything but her spunky self really even when its been hard for the humans too. The tail wag came back earliest some months ago, never really leaving. It was like the sign of hope from the start. Then came left foot curling, grabbing fingers, followed by eventual throwing that leg in her cart as if she was willing it forward. Along with that, more butt & hip shifting as she swam to propel and turn. In the past month or so, it was as if when I’d sit her down she naturally attempted to brace herself with her left leg but wasn’t sure what to make of it less to say it felt like strength returning. I made note of it. Then last week, my birthday week, amazing things. Kelsey met me at the door out of her cart on 3 legs. Still assisted with her recent surgery leg, but all of the same, using it to walk, toes on the ground. Incredible. But as many of you know, with the cancer having hit the right leg, her original ACL tear and surgery leg as a puppy and ironically the leg that ended up being her best leg in life, the surgeons felt it was 50/50 on amputation and a huge test of faith and will. But once more, Kelsey’s vibrations told me she wanted to keep it and the surgeons, some of the best in the biz in North Carolina, saved the leg. While I was in Champaign, Illinois for my birthday, Kelsey had a visit form her acupuncturist and something remarkable like this happened…….

My Easter Message To Humanity of 2022


Hello all. If you want, in our Short Attention Span Theater Life, you may just scroll to the video below and watch it purely without the explanation. Or, if you’d like to know the story of how it came to be, please read on! I came home to Illinois for Easter but to also celebrate my joint or dual birthday with my father on April 21st. Which ironically, is also the founding day of Bonaventure Cemetery in 1846. So a triple header of a blessed birthday! Its also the birthday of Robert Smith from The Cure, but that’s just me making a fan connection. And speaking of blessed, I was adopted by some great parents who clearly took the birthday sameness as a sign from above many years ago before being blessed by the birth of my younger brother two years later. So you see, to be both born of a sign, under a sign or connected to “signs,” which is simply another word for “significance,” I’ve always paid them attention throught the special lens of my very blessed existence. In fact, I’m not sure if I consider anything insignificant. We as human beings process a lot of them at any given moment through our senses, and if anything, spend most of our time, sorting through them to identify which are the most important and meaningful. Which then comes down to our frame of reference or knowledge of life. I get caught saying this a great deal, but some of us just use salt while others use it, enjoy it, but want to know why we do and where it came from. That would define my mind at a glance. So no surprises here, I was simply out for a walk in Mahomet, Illinois, where I once had a young love named Shannon, and where there are some pretty interesting cemeteries, on a trail called The Buffalo Trace Prairie Trail which like its name, was once buffalo grazing grounds and where natives and pioneers tracked them. You see, even my walking trails have to have rich historical texture as I like walking with ancestral energy things you could say. And if ever in the area, do check out The Museum of The Grand Prairie nearby and the loads of unique walking trails replete with awesome historical markers and ways of observing prairie restoration and other types of plant and land studies. Really interesting! All of that said, it was on a walk there on the Buffalo Trace Trail Loop where I caught site of these medeval like spikes in menacing clusters growing out of the lower part of Honey Locust Trees. Picture every ancient battle movie scene with swinging spike armaments, sometimes horror flick or on The Walking Dead, the spiked walker, you’ll understand. Except these are smooth and worn over with bark, like a true appendage. And in certain light seem like flowers made of really sharp tooth picks. Nature’s barbed wire.
Even if initially alarmed and awed by the sight, I could not help but to be in deep respect for its life as well as the intelligence of its survival mode. Tree huggers need not apply? Or bring gauze and Neosporin if you dare! As I continued to walk by these woodland warriors and considered how they might be useful planted around my house in case of an attack, my mind turned to Easter, the state of the world, and how we now must all be wise as serpents and harmless like doves. Or live more like The Honey Locust Tree. The video and narration is the end result and while it may not be for or speak to everyone, I truly hope you taking something away from it that is meaningful.