Shannon Scott, aka, "The Bard of Bonaventure," or "The Storyist," is a 30 year resident of Savannah, Georgia and easily Savannah's best known storyteller at this point in his career. Scott has worked for national TV shows like, "Scariest Places On Earth," "Ghost Hunters," and produced his own documentary, "America's Most Haunted City" about Savannah, Georgia. As a vehicle, Shannon utilizes the story of cemeteries like Bonaventure, to commentate on symbolic language, art, burial traditions, secret societies, politics, romance, ritual traditions of many cultures and really the greater connections to the history of the world and present-day life.
I wouldn’t say that I have the best camera in the world, but I do have a natural eye for moments. In fact, if I had a great camera, I’d be dangerous. Even with limits, I’ve garnered some impressive feeling … Continue reading →
One lover is but one.
Two in a room, opens the womb.
3 perfects the “you and me.”
For love is the 3rd person.
Few are willing to see.
Love with only two, cannot be harmony.
Only egos, competing endlessly.
The 3rd must be observed, before the two can truly be true.
Number 3 must be honored, before there will be a “me & you.”
Two easily visible, but with persona in stirs,
3 goes neglected, true love suffers to be observed.
Ones are each vital, but three is the guide & will not be denied.
One and two, must turn to 3 to be free.
Bowing, smiling, asking for true epiphany.
Only then, can one and two be friends.
Love, the 3rd person, unites all ends.
Love is a triangle, with 3 sides to complete.
Love is the point, one & two must reach to meet.
Friendship foundation, arms joined high for trusting walls.
But without love as the crown, all 3 will fall.