About Shannon Scott

Shannon Scott, aka, "The Bard of Bonaventure," or "The Storyist," is a 30 year resident of Savannah, Georgia and easily Savannah's best known storyteller at this point in his career. Scott has worked for national TV shows like, "Scariest Places On Earth," "Ghost Hunters," and produced his own documentary, "America's Most Haunted City" about Savannah, Georgia. As a vehicle, Shannon utilizes the story of cemeteries like Bonaventure, to commentate on symbolic language, art, burial traditions, secret societies, politics, romance, ritual traditions of many cultures and really the greater connections to the history of the world and present-day life.

The Media of Two

By Shannon Scott (C) 2015
(Listen To Shannon Recite This Poem)

The world waits on edge for vapid news shows and magazines.
Such fervor over the who’s who of being seen.
But my headlines are your texts on my cell phone screen.
Or your pretty voice on my answering machine.
In my world, this is the news that matters.
Not all of the ink paper and cyber chatter.
You’re my morning show, News@5 and Weather Report.
Broadcasting sexy information of every sort.
A face I can trust with words that are more than play.
My world gets swayed by your opinion and say.
Adding new insights into my world and day.
Who needs the boob tube when I’ve got you Jude?
Let the world stay lost with the web and newspaper clippings.
Exhausting fingers on keys and all of that channel flipping.
While they do that we’ll go margarita sipping!
For the news of us is much more all the fuss!
As the world makes wars, we’ll live like lovers!
Surely news of it will make all of the covers.

Some of Shannon’s Art

This is just a post to generate a link for a quick view of my art & studio. More information can be found under the Art Tab itself. More works to come! Thanks!

Shannon Scott's Studio

Shannon Scott’s Studio

Dreaming By The River. Ink.

The General's Arrival. Charcoal

The General’s Arrival. Charcoal

Male Torso. Colored Pencil

Male Torso. Colored Pencil

Loves By The Light

Loves By The Light

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