About Shannon Scott

Shannon Scott, aka, "The Bard of Bonaventure," or "The Storyist," is a 30 year resident of Savannah, Georgia and easily Savannah's best known storyteller at this point in his career. Scott has worked for national TV shows like, "Scariest Places On Earth," "Ghost Hunters," and produced his own documentary, "America's Most Haunted City" about Savannah, Georgia. As a vehicle, Shannon utilizes the story of cemeteries like Bonaventure, to commentate on symbolic language, art, burial traditions, secret societies, politics, romance, ritual traditions of many cultures and really the greater connections to the history of the world and present-day life.

My Interview With The Inimitable Dame Darcy

I can honest to God say I’m friends with a mermaid, a doll, a cartoonist, banjo aficionado, a witch and a ghost. And her name is Dame Darcy. Yes, you read that right.

Dame Does Sexy Scary

Dame Does Sexy Scary



We first met just a few years ago at an event she was connected. Nothing ordinary of course. It was photographic exhibit called The Legendary Children and was devoted to transexual themes. She was very doting on me and I remember her saying kind of drunkily, “You’re adorable.” And that was it. Dame Darcy was my new spirit crush. Artists tend to do this. We adopt people who we see as kindred and in Savannah you really appreciate the value of that.



As an artist of sorts myself, I envy people like Dame Darcy because they’re very driven to do what they do and they’re always doing it. Now and again you meet these sort of savants who simply eat and breath their craft. If Darcy isn’t illustrating her own works, she’s illustrating someone else’s. If she’s not writing a novel and illustrating it, she’s writing something for someone else’s work. If she’s not doing any of that, she’d playing banjo and singing or making dolls or painting tarot card sets to sell in her Etsy store. Or she’s writing, casting, starring and pitching a treatment for a movie or TV show about mermaids and pirates. And then in her spare time like some people might drive for UBER or Lyft, she’s playing a ghost for the incredibly popular group-think-tank-game called “Escape Savannah” that’s like a CLUE game with a haunted twist. Dame Darcy moves at the speed of light and is almost her own artistic elemental. But at heart she’s kind of like a little girl who refuses to “grow up” by continually piping the adult world through her child like sense of the universe and then giving back to the adult world through her art, her child like sense of the universe. Its a gift for the world and she has a lot to say and amuse with via her many talents.


Which is why it was such a special thing to “capture” her before she headed out on a promotional tour. We sat down in my makeshift studio in my kitchen to talk about growing up in Idaho town with a population of 15 and how her family emigrated there as they were the family of John Wilkes Booth. We delve into some of her mental processes around her art, where some of it stems from in terms of influence and style and along the conversational path hit on a wide range of other subjects regarding working with sensations Neil Gaiman (Sandman Chronicles) and the legend Alan Moore (Watchmen) and a laundry list of other artists and performers like Tiny Tim. The interview ends on an interesting leg as I address a controversy that whipped Dame Darcy’s name through the media last year in that she legitimately had in her possession some of Kurt Cobain’s hair and nearly sold it for a significant sum of money before the auction was pulled because of Courtney Love’s protest. The story has an interesting finish and I invite you to sit for awhile and listen. I can assure you that no one in this world will ever accuse Dame Darcy for being dull and I am always eager to see what she’s making next!


Dame Darcy’s Etsy Store where you can buy fabby artsy things!

CORRECTION: During the interview I mis-stated that Dame Darcy might have been one of the earliest or first female comic book artists to be published. This was a distracted statement of mine in the preliminary part of the interview. What I meant to really say was that she was the youngest female comic book artist ever published at 17 years of age. No offense to the many female comic book artists going back almost 100 years now! 

“All Hail The Illini Chief!”


By Shannon Scott (C) 2016

Let’s face it. Sports are largely entertainment. Beyond the athletics part for the athlete, they have a role that is a kind of escapism for the public. And now and again someone makes them far too serious and turns it into something warped from the outside in. For the sake of this writing, I’m going to leave out the fact that it has become very evident that many sporting events with so much money riding on them are fixed for a certain outcome. There’s too much money riding on them anymore for that not to happen so let’s stop fooling ourselves. I will also spare you the majority of my thoughts on the very real evidence that the powers behind major sport’s leagues are in collusion with government forces to use mainstream sports for a “Coliseum” like test tank to modify and condition human behavior. Whether we like it or not, inside of our capitalistic based society, the evidence of Leftist controllers ruling the day are everywhere. They are also being backed by elite money to hold onto as much of the profit for themselves as possible, and human freedoms beyond that be damned. Of course the powers dress it up as “making us safe” and “let’s not offend that group or those indigenous people or that special race” etc, etc, etc. The Superbowl of last was a perfect example where 80 government agencies were all there to “protect us” with pat downs, facial recognition cameras and a horde of military equipment. The whole lot. Yet the borders of our country at the same time are wide open and we’re importing military aged men from radical terrorist corners and using tax money to give them fully stamped visas. No, I won’t say much else less to say it rather speaks for itself if you’re really attune. And that’s my concern. Sporting events and related elements are being used to keep people chattle. Dumbing them down as an instrument of sedation both inside and outside of the arenas.  Much like in Roman times, people having little to no real freedoms outside of The Coliseum, flowed there to pour their frustrations of their suppressed yearnings into bloodlust moments of the arenas, returning home spent and resolved to stay slaves. Too exhausted to fight, but fed with just enough taste of power to keep them neither completely unhappy or happy. A kind of suspended universe. Life in a fishbowl. And that’s my point my friends. The age may be different, but the times are not so much.

In part I’m writing this because I want my fellow man to be awake and to see what’s at hand. But the impetus that moved me to author this today was waking to yet another ridiculous article about The University of Illinois and its use of The Chief or The Ilinois tribe as its official moniker. CLICK HERE TO READ what I’m calling The Libtard Article of Offensiveness in The Daily Ilini, the campus newspaper. Which is kind of what I wanted to call this article of my own actually. Because it is Libtardedness.

I’m sure many remember the rather long and over drawn out haranguing of The Washington Redskins for using the name “Redskins.” Which was not unlike the later Confederate Flag controversy in that the media paints it one way to invigorate ignorant people into feeling powerful, when in fact history knows things differently about the subject. And sadly, often well meaning people get dragged into such controversies over the emotion of it all and the very basic human desire to be “sensitive” gets fanned and these scenarios tend to over rule people becoming more educated on the truth surrounding the greater subject. They unwitting bandwagon the molehill into a mountain. Really they don’t see that the social engineers in control use these situations to test button society. To see what they’re willing to take. To see how nimbleminded they are. To see how easy it is to generate chaos. Sadly, they’re winning anymore. Thankfully, The Washington Redskin organization was vindicated later when it was proven, rather easily in fact, that the word “redskin” was self invented by Indians. Go freaking figure. READ The History of Redskins If real journalists had actually done their homework first, the controversy wouldn’t have been one. But this harks back to the intrinsic media monopoly problem. Some 50 years ago there were several dozen media companies which now? There are really only 6, and 3 of them are owned by the same company. In a country of 350 million people? Worse? Those 3 companies are in bed with The White House (ala, The Roman Empiricists) who are in bed with foreign central banks who support censorship and all of the rest of what amounts to generally, Anti-American philosophy. People need to wake up to this design in order to see the spirit of all. Or perhaps they’ll see the spirit and then the design. Either route is fine with me as long as people WAKE UP to Leftism poisoning this great nation of our own.



Ok, so back to the tiny kommisar who wrote The Daily Illini article. I originally read it on Facebook, posted by an old high school chum of mine living in my hometown and as I’d had enough of the poltical correctness, I posted a response via my phone in the comments section of The Daily Illini. But knowing they probably wouldn’t post it, I copied it to preserve the argument for my blog here. The controversy basically stemming some years ago when they killed The Chief logo and performer from the school’s identity and sporting events officially. Breaking ties with it because you know, the usual backwards argument that white people massacred the entire culture of Indians and that these images tied to the school was somehow a disrespect for flaunting such travesty or implying some caricature of it. In reality its all quite the opposite, but much like Chicago, we’ve seen The State of Illinois go Soviet Union in all sorts of ways politically and economically in their Leftism. The University of Illinois has also been infected along with at least one writer for The Daily Illini. Really the article’s author is little more than another foot soldier of political correctness gone awry. Someone on Facebook commented to the effect of, “at least he didn’t call for an all out ban of the Chief image or making the Illini novelties illegal.” My reply was that he doesn’t have to. After so much kowtowing has already occurred? The moral sanctioners have scored a major victory for Leftism. Removing or abolishing The Chief is already a win. So really he’s just sneering out loud (limp wristedly), but he knows that by doing so in a campus sanctioned paper, IS the equivalent of asking powers to crack down on this freedom of expression and related commerce. He’s just not wearing a Budenovka to go along with his Komsomol uniform while handing out the official party flyers. It probably won’t be long before they have designated “Free Speech Areas” like they do on other U.S. campuses. Granted the author, Costello, seems less militant in his work photo — but give him time. In fact, I really wonder if with how compliant the population has been with such obvious intellectual crimes against The American Way, if he would ever feel the need to be so strong stated? I mean his “soft tone” approach kind of speaks to how within the regions of power, the monopoly of thought is so ruled by them at this point, they’ve gotten overly comfortable. It as if the autocrats of this thinking are just as lazy as the people they’re looking to and have subjugated. Let’s hope this is their Achilles’ Heel. Their’s I mean. Not REAL AMERICANS.

Well I am one American, not so lazy. And my response to the insanity that The Daily Illini is here below. I would be willing to bet there are some fellow Illinoisans who would stand by the words below because they’ve lived it and know the truth in their hearts and minds.