South Magazine’s “Haunted Savannah” by Shannon Scott

This came out last Fall but I failed to put it up on my blog. My fellow storyist and good friend Lisa Marie accompanied me as model and the photo shoot itself was a lot of fun but they didn’t use a single shot of me smiling! The magazine had also lost its editor and not to bite the hand that feeds, but it suffered much from late late night copy editing with very sore eyes so please forgive the glaring errors! All the same, it was a good time had by all and I got to share some previously unknown Savannah historical and haunted facts! It also seemed fitting that The Walking Dead’s Norman Reedus was on the cover as I’m a huge fan of the show and as my fans know, I drop a reference to it at least once a day on my Bonaventure Cemetery Journey’s tour in a fun and unexpected way! Cause yeah, I roll like that!

Norman Reedus’ Oct2017 SOUTH Mag Cover

Shannon Scott & Lisa Marie South Magazine

Haunted Savannah Article South Magazine 2017

Photo By Paul D. Graham

Shannon Scott and Lisa Marie South Magazine Cemetery Photoshoot

The Hauntings of The Captain Dickerson Homes

My Interview On “Doing It Different” with Tyler Martina

When I got wind of this interview from the 6th Sense World office, I was intrigued to know more. When I saw Tyler Martina, he looked like a “too clean” Rock-A-Billy kid from California and so wondered if he was more trendy poseur or had some substance behind all of the tatts and such radiant skin. Hey, no one says you have to have clogged pores to be a greaser and who wants to be a greaser anyway? Turns out he was a real quality rocker guy with a lot of heart and intelligence and was really happy with the way it turned out. We met in the chapel at Hillcrest Abbey Cemetery and was with his family and that put a whole new light on him for me. He had a beautiful wife(?) and just darling daughter who apparently can see ghosts. And what I realized was they were really doing a neat family thing together by seeing the country and then also capturing neat characters and knowledge for the show’s listeners. It not only showed the guy had heart, but business savvy to go along with it. As I told them, the best thing my parents ever did for my brother and myself, was on summer breaks, and riding us around the country Griswold style to all of the big historic sites and National Parks across this great country of our’s and that they’d all be blessed for this as a family later in life. I think they were a tad too young to see all of that but I promise, they’ll one day be thanked by their daughter for it. Anyway, turns out I was their target character and just wanted to do a good job for them. So we talked life, death, paranormal, America’s Most Haunted City both in terms of how Savannah got the title, how I captured it formally and then went out and made a movie about it. We spoke of Bonaventure of course and one day time apparition moment I was witness to that was greatly affecting. Overall I think it turned out pretty decent and really inspired me to get back into my own podcast for 6thSenseWorld Radio more actively which hey, just ordered my new headsets and splitters today so be on the listen out! In the meantime, I hope this is entertaining and informative!

Doing It Different With Tyler Martina
Click Link For Interview