About Shannon Scott

Shannon Scott, aka, "The Bard of Bonaventure," or "The Storyist," is a 30 year resident of Savannah, Georgia and easily Savannah's best known storyteller at this point in his career. Scott has worked for national TV shows like, "Scariest Places On Earth," "Ghost Hunters," and produced his own documentary, "America's Most Haunted City" about Savannah, Georgia. As a vehicle, Shannon utilizes the story of cemeteries like Bonaventure, to commentate on symbolic language, art, burial traditions, secret societies, politics, romance, ritual traditions of many cultures and really the greater connections to the history of the world and present-day life.

Tami Sabo: Remote Viewer, Mom & Metaphysician

Remote viewing (RV) is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target using subjective means, in particular, extrasensory perception (ESP) or “sensing with mind”. There is no credible scientific evidence that remote viewing works, and the topic of remote viewing is regarded as pseudoscience.


You can pretty much bet if the military is using psychic operatives, there’s something to it. Even if ifs funny to make fun of Madame Cleo and all of the rest of the hacks, its like what other con men do. They rip off of the real thing or use the real thing for greedy gains. You have to wonder sometimes if Uri Geller wasn’t just a plant by the government to look like a fraud on Johnny Carson years ago when he was bending spoons and moving things mentally, or rather, lack thereof, just to keep the public cynical and mocking of things psychical. In that sense, you can’t blame the public. And yes, its not good to just believe every Joe who comes along even if its our nature to receive people to be considerate and helpful.

Even so, I’ve been a witness to the powers of Remote Viewing and other phenomenon that we call “spiritual.” Sometime before the subject was made mainstream through films like Subject Zero with Ben Kingsley, and the more popularly received and rather comical, Men Who Stare At Goats, with George Clooney & Jeff Bridges, I’d seen “RV” work first hand through Tami Sabo, and even before that, knew, but didn’t know at first, a Remote Viewer that had been part of the top secret operation, “Project Stargate” at Standford University.


John Zeuli is a wedding photographer and portrait photographer by trade. One of the nicest guys I’ve ever met. According to him, before Remote Viewing was de-classified, he saw his friends railroaded to jail and murdered by the government for talking about what they were doing with their psychic abilities. But afterwards, you could write books and make millions. In fact he came to lecture at the first annual conference of The American Institute of Parapsychology in 2002 that I organized here in Savannah and spoke of what Remote Viewing was, and he even showed us how it worked. He noted that to desensitize himself to his physical senses and surroundings, the folks at Stargate put them all in flotation chambers to heighten their mind’s eye. John was quick to tell you that he never used it militarily as he kind of wanted to get into other things but that it was interesting being part of it all. And even though they still use these operatives, they don’t officially. Anyone invited to these programs are told simply they’ll be disavowed if ever asked about their participation officially. But you don’t think they found Saddam Hussein down in a hole just by being friendly to the Iraqi natives do you? Nope. They used Remote Viewers. In fact they located Osama Bin Frauden, or as I prefer to call him, the CIA asset, Tim Osman, multiple times with RVers. They even had some snipers on him in result. But you know, he was a useful idiot before and after 9/11.


John Zeuli (Center)

All the same, it wasn’t until I met the beautiful, delightful and fiery Aries redhead, Tami Sabo that much more of this became understood to me. Or seeing it work. We’ve known each other for about 13 years now and one day when I do release my book to the world, there’ll be a chapter on the extent of our connection and all of the interesting things we saw and learned together. Anyway, I don’t want to spoil the interview so if I’ve caught your attention this far? Should be worth the 2 hour listen. We talk Savannah of course, hauntings, Remote Viewing, and her latest and greatest project, a custom tarot deck, The Savannah Deck, which uses Savannah & Tybee Island imagery for the purposes of the deck. I think what this recent interview illustrates yet again is that there have been and are so many fascinating people living here and its part of the depth of the phrase or what people mean when they call Savannah, “America’s Most Haunted City”! Indeed! Hope everyone enjoys!

LISTEN HERE: My Radio Interview With Tami Sabo


Tami Sabo’s Website: The Savannah Deck

Savannah Mystic Fair: The Savannah Mystic Fair

Neat Savannah Events: Jelinek Creative Spaces Website

John Zeuli Photography: John Zeuli Website



Shannon Presents “Master Murray”

Savannah and the world, owes a huge public debt to The Silver family of The South. They built a multitude of businesses & other cultural institutions both spiritual and physical, and especially in the 20th Century added much color to the color wheel spectrum of not just great, but the greatest of Savannah characters. Their story is one of an immigrant family made good, “legally” in the United States, but inside of that embracing The American Dream and never looking back. I can honestly say, Savannah would not be the same rich city, not really, without the Silver name. I shall largely let my interviews speak to those things, but I was reminded of all of this legacy to Savannah & the life of Rock N’Roll, when I sat down with a man I’ve long called “Master Murray,” my hero and envy as storyteller. Murray Silver, Jr is one of those people who you introduce by saying, “a man who needs no introduction.” He’s tied to everything and every one in some form or fashion and I’m often left awed by who he just casually mentions a friendship or artistic connection with. Of course as a young man, barely out of high school, I well remember the film, “Great Balls of Fire,” starring Dennis Quaid as Jerry Lee Lewis, and Winona Ryder who played the infamous 13 year old bride, Myra. Admittedly I’d seen the hardcover book for sale in the mall bookstores, but at the time, it didn’t much interest me as I was immersed in English New Wave and California based Speed Metal. Even if I was weaned on the sounds of the 1950s via my father in particular, although Jerry Lee Lewis was probably too wild for my parents in their youth and later. Little too punk rock you might say. All the same, it wouldn’t be until I opened my former ghost tour business, Sixth Sense Savannah in 2001, that I became acquainted with Murray Silver, but at first it was only by reputation. He would do various book signings of his classic, “Behind The Moss Curtain,” which I still regard as the most compelling Savannah story book ever written, and I would get tourists on my ghost tours at night that would say, “Murray Silver sent us,” or “Murray told us you were the real deal and the only one to tour with.” It was funny because for years, I was doing 2-3 tours at night, often ending my Midnight Tour at 3 or 4 AM, and I would sleep until mid afternoon, get up and do it all over again. So I’m sad to say, I never got to go thank Murray personally for being so generous and I just hoped he didn’t see it as a disrespect. As time went by, we had some sporadic meetings at best but about 5 years ago developed more of a consistent friendship over the phone and I discovered we had lots of common interests and I regretted that we hadn’t talked more often. Which yes, we’ve more than made up for it since and this interview is proof! After just listening for a few minutes you’ll see why he’s one of the few storytellers I defer to and why I call him Master Murray.

My Radio Interview With Murray Silver Jr